Monday, January 10, 2005

Keep the Malcontent Rage Alive!

Let's keep our malcontent rage alive! I was glad to see that metaphysical detective is still among the raging and contributed a few new fresh comments (dead on target as usual). Let's not have our rage dissipated into throw-your-hands-up-in-the-air cynicism and wretched contentment. Hell no people! First we get informed, then we get enraged, then we post/comment to the blog, then we act! For getting informed, check out and also this free Lexis-Nexis news site. There's so many good reasons to be enraged right now. If anyone else knows some good liberal blogs please post them. I wish we could have a little list of web sites on the side of this thing.

As for action, I'm working on my letter to the editor to the Philadelphia Inquirer about Social Security. They had an article on SS on Sunday so my plan is to respond to that. I'm going to try to connect how Bush invented a crisis for the war in Iraq and how we don't want social security to end up like Iraq. Something like that. Anyone else have any pithy suggestions?

On Alberto Gonzales, someone pointed out to me that we now are at the point where our Attorney General is promising not to torture.

Did anyone see this article in Slate on federalism for liberals?

New blood! We're adding new members from the coastal epicenters of liberal malcontentedness, NYC and SanFran. If you know any fired up liberals with time on their hands let me know and I'll send them an invite. Btw, you can now find the blog by Googling "liberal malcontents."

My copy of What's the Matter with Kansas should arrive today. I also picked up The One-Hour Activist : The 15 Most Powerful Actions You Can Take to Fight for the Issues and Candidates You Care About.


At January 18, 2005, Blogger Dumplingeater said...

did you ever write that letter? if so, please post it


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