Tuesday, February 01, 2005

I called Specter on Gonzales

Today is the vote on Gonzales, and every liberal group is asking malcontents everywhere to call their Senators and ask them to vote no. Calling may seem more difficult than sending an e-mail, but here's how to do it:

Duke: Hello this is the duke calling from illadelphia.
Staffer: Okay what can we do for you?
Duke: I'm calling to ask the Senator to vote no on Alberto Gonzales.
Staffer: Okay I'll tell him.
Duke: Thank you very much.

That's it. Use your real name and location of course. According to The One Hour Activist phone calls tend to be tallies, so there's not much point in getting into a whole thing with the staffer. If you can get in a personal story, like MetaD's discussion with the Chinese dissident, that's great, but don't go off on a rant or anything. Just make sure to tell them where you live. If you aren't a constituent there's no point.

I'm not sure if I'll call Santorum, he's so far gone I'm not sure it's even worth the phone call. I sent him an email on Gonzales and got back a page and a half snail mail letter explaining to me why I was an idiot. Too bad it's snail mail otherwise I could post it and rip apart the bad arguments.


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