Sunday, July 24, 2005

Just mild about labor

This lame excuse for journalism made the front page of the business section in the Inquirer. Can't fault the Inky for this though: Harry gets fired, his union finds him another job and his first reaction is he doesn't think unions matter? Oh yeah there are little things like wages, benefits and sick days, too, Harry says. Sheesh.

For more on AFL-CIO convention see here:

Philadelphia Inquirer | 07/23/2005 | Just mild about labor: "At the ballfield, the question was much more personal. Do unions matter?

'I don't think any kind of union matters,' said Mount Ephraim's Harry Smith, 34, who attended the game with his son Zachary, 5.

'If your company wants to get rid of you, they are going to find a way to get rid of you - union or not,' he said. That's what happened to Smith, a member of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, at his last job.

Now he has another union job, as a maintenance worker in Mount Ephraim's streets department. 'The union does fight for you on wages and benefits, like sick days,' Smith said. 'That's one good thing about the union.'"


At July 24, 2005, Blogger Dumplingeater said...

I'd appreciate links to analyses over the split (Meta-D, maybe you can take some time off from surfing your usual myriad of blogs to post a link on this issue?)

At July 27, 2005, Blogger Dumplingeater said...

Well, Meta D has clearly droppped the ball. But, there are some interesting posts on Philly and unions over at the blog


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