Monday, December 13, 2004

Move on meeting

In case anyone is interested, last night shockandawe and I went to a meeting held by a group of MoveOn "precinct leaders." These guys are pretty serious activists, (interestingly, just about all of them are at least 40 or 50), involved in a wide variety of political groups (the guy who put together was there).. They are very pissed off at MoveOn, because they feel it has been totally unresponsive since the election. Anyway, they are very serious about doing come hardcore organizing of malcontented liberals (not sure if they'll continue an association with MoveOn in doing so) around local issues and candidates. They have an interesting "geograhically-based" grass-roots model in mind for organizing, mirroring a party- type structure with precinct and ward leaders -- kind of a Bizarro-World Democratic Party.. I'll provide more information as the ideas develop further, but if it does get off the ground, I think it might be a good destination to channel some of those pent-up feelings of disempowerment. Let me know if you're interested in getting involved.


At December 15, 2004, Blogger Victor Laszlo said...

I'm interested, keep me informed. Can't give in to despair!


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