Friday, December 10, 2004

Santorum Watch - tactics

There were at least 2 disturbing sentences in the Santorum article in the Inquirer the other day. One was the mention of Santorum's name in connection with a run for the White House in 2008. :0

The other was this little tidbit:

A leader of the religious right, the Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney of the Christian Defense Coalition, told a Catholic magazine that his group would work to see that Santorum "is not reelected in 2006."
"He has alienated some true believers with his support of Specter in the primary," said Michael Young, a former Pennsylvania State University professor who is now a Hershey-based polling consultant. "... He is stable, solid, but he will have a tough election."

Wow! Talk about super hard core. They want to defeat Santorum because he's not pro-abortion enough (because he supported Specter!) That is really mind blowing to me.

So why can't we take a page from this book and work to defeat the Republicans in the PA legislature who are blocking funding of SEPTA?


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