Monday, June 27, 2005

More hypocracy

No links here. Just a need to vent. Has anyone else been struck that at the same time as Rove goes off on those pansy-assed liberals who want terrorists to have therapy, Rumsfield admits that the US is having meetings with insurgents in order to have a better definition of what would make them happy. Actually, I view the leaked information about the talks as positive news; as hard as it is to believe, it could be that the Bushies might have actually learned something in spite of themselves. My guess, however, is that more likely, by meeting with specific groups the Americans aren't really trying to gather information about how to calm insurgents' anger -- but instead trying to increase in-fighting among the insurgents. Maybe the ideas is that groups that were left out of talks may direct some of their hostility towards the groups that were?


At June 28, 2005, Blogger Victor Laszlo said...

Oh but don't you know the insurgency is in its last throes, which could last up to 12 years. If that isn't government by hypocrites I don't know what is.

At June 28, 2005, Blogger Carmen said...

It is the nature of the beast. I don't think for a minute that the talks with insurgents are anything more than a response to the British cooling of its support. I think that what is happening is that the neo-conservatives are starting to play a more sophisticated game because they are winning. Will the talks amount to anything? No, of course not. Will they serve to remove some of the charge from the dems? Yes.

It is just amazing to me that under the cloud of security, no one has been able to get a basic description of the types of insurgent groups they are talking to. Are they talking to Iraqi insurgents or non-Iraqi? Are they tapping into some formal leadership group? or is it like the military advisers are saying, that this group of insurgents doesn't even want to talk since they never need to be any better than slightly more adaptive than the occupying force? Their job, which they have done well, is to adapt their bombs each time the US forces find a way to diminish their impact. The way I heard it, the anti-terror forces believe it is at best a one step behind game for the forseeable future.

The end game will be that the talks proved to be fruitless. The enemy is unreasonable. We must stay the course.


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