Saturday, June 11, 2005

On the other hand

Here is a great organization, based on the concept of I think theirs is one of the best strategies I've seen for beginning to make inroads in "Red" country.

Excerpted from a longer discription at:

"Therefore, is recruiting Democratic Congressional candidates in the deep red parts of swing states (especially PA) who will work together in a series of public service competitions. By competing on the basis of turn-out they can hopefully produce a healthy and beneficial primary campaign in which more candidates is better for everyone. Our ideal candidates will share all infrastructure costs (legal, accounting, IT, HR, and so on) and focus solely on working together on creative public service events. In the end, the eventual nominee would have the benefit of all the candidates' turnout efforts, because the primary winner will receive the combined GOTV database built up in the course of the successive public service events.

Public service campaigns should produce a vastly increased Democratic (and anti-Santorum) turnout in the red parts of Pennsylvania in November 2006."


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