Friday, June 10, 2005

Do we really want to be called "liberals?"

Not that anyone needs more reasons to dispair about the political landscape, but I found this Radio Times interview very interesting. It's with Chris Hedges, a Times correspondant, about the hypocracy of both the Christian right and "liberals." Is it a good thing that we're hearing the cry that we should be proud of the term "liberals" again? I can remember when "liberalism" was attacked from the far left as well as from the right, because liberals were considered to be ineffective, uncommitted, do-gooders who abanonded the cause when the rubber really hit the road. Is it a sign of just how desperate things have gotten that there's a clamor to reclaim the legitimacy of that term? Listen to what Hedges has to say, and you might want to consider changing the name of the blog. Of course Progessive Malcontents just doesn't quite have the same ring to it.


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