Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Run into any triumphalists lately?

Not so surprisingly absent, after the recent assassinations in Lebanon and the election in Iran, are comments from pundits who jumped up to give the Bush administration credit for the Cedar Revolution and the supposed "sea change" to Democracy in the Middle East. Am I mistaken, but wasn't one of the main rationalizations for invading Iraq, on the part of reactionaries as well as "liberal hawks" like Friedman, to put pressure on Iran to "democratize" and become less of a hard-line religious state? Well, that didn't seem to work, did it? They all lined up to attribute causality to Bush's policies for events in Lebanon that in reality had their roots in a history that long pre-dated his administration . But they don't seem to notice that the facts on the ground seem to be indicating that another causal link they assumed -- that invading Iraq would "Democratize" Iran -- seems have been faulty also.


At June 28, 2005, Blogger Carmen said...

The cultural changes in Iran will continue regardless of democracy. My question is why is it always about US democracy on our terms at our convenience. The bush team had pundits lined up to knock the election regardless of the winner.


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