Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Is Global Warming Fueling Katrina?

Progressives and Democrats should start more forcefully linking "natural" disasters that cost hundreds of lives and billions of dollars with the anti-environmental positions of the coal and oil lobbys and the policies of the Bush administration.

Is Global Warming Fueling Katrina?
Warm ocean temperatures are a key ingredient for monster hurricanes, prompting some scientists to believe that global warming is exacerbating our storm troubles"
Storm Turns Focus to Global Warming
Is Global Warming Causing More Devastating Hurricanes Worldwide?
Katrina's Real Name


At August 31, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You really can't be serious! Even if I accept the unproven theory of future global warming I could never be so ignorant as to believe that katrina would have been affected in any way. The waters of the Gulf are unusually warm due to sun activity far in excess of anything Man could create or eliminate. There have been killer storms before humans became the dominate species and, once libs have their way and we are returned to stone-age lifestyles, there will still be killer storms. In a way I do wish humans and particularly Americans were so powerful as to control or even influence weather but such is not the case. Blame God - no, sorry, I forgot libs believe in unproven science but not in God.

At August 31, 2005, Blogger Victor Laszlo said...

No matter what you believe in your faith-based reality, scientists overwhelmingly agree about global warming and its deleterious effects on our planet. Do you work for the oil industry? You and your ilk are leading the world to ruin.


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