Friday, August 19, 2005

On Saabs, Lattes, and Sacrifice

Bob Herbert has argued recently that American sacrifice and suffering for the Iraq war should be spread around more. I guess I agree but what could be done? Draft every Congresspersons' son or daughter? The proportion of war dead seems less predominantly minority in this war and more predominantly rural and white. I feel there's a certain justice in that if you are from a red state and support the president, than if you want to volunteer for the war then fine. At least the majority of war dead is not blue state and urban.

Blood Runs Red, Not Blue - New York Times: "As for the rest of the nation, it's not doing much for the troops, either. There was a time, long ago, when war required sacrifices that were shared by most of the population. That's over.

I was in Jacksonville, Fla., a few days ago and watched in amusement as a young woman emerged from a restaurant into 95-degree heat and gleefully exclaimed, 'All right, let's go shopping!' The war was the furthest thing from her mind."


At August 22, 2005, Blogger Victor Laszlo said...

Hey, I didn't say I took glee, I said there was a certain justice. I think it's horrible that people who have so much idealism and faith in their leaders that they are willing to put up their lives are being killed in a war based on lies. Good point on the tax cuts.


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