Interesting read on Unions and Politics
From Sunday's Times Magazine -- the link will expire soon
We're liberal, and we're malcontent.
From Sunday's Times Magazine -- the link will expire soon
MoveOn is asking people to call their Senators to vote no on Gonzales. Hey why not? The calls and e-mails did seem to push the Dems to the 10-8 vote on the Judiciary Committee.
Breaking News -- Lawsuit Update – CSX derails its own request for Injunction!
Our Zell Miller? Well, not quite. At least she resigned when Bush screwed her over, unlike some other people (cough Colin Powell). If your're reading What's the Matter with Kansas, this obviously falls into the mods vs. cons theme. Whitman speaks out against White House policies
Liberal Oasis notes that this piece refers to the growing campaign against Gonzales: Democrats Scold Rice, Prepare to Dissent. Both the Washington Post and NYT have editorials against Gonzales. If you haven't already sent e-mail to the Democratic Senators on the Judiciary Committee, or to your own senators, do it now if you can. You can bring up the new shit that has come to light--the new torture palace and these new editorials.
Pentagon Files Reveal More Allegations of Abuse in Iraq
Malcontents keep sending e-mail to the Democratic members of the
From Why Bush Won; What to do Next: Analysis of the 2004 Election by Peter Dreier in Dissent
Part of Bush's plan to "fix" SS requires raising money. Apparently he's going to do that through "fixing" the tax code.
SEPTA has a "citizen advisory committee." I'm glad this guy's on it.
For a quick pointing out of the hypocrisies, check my personal faveLiberalOasis and also Slate's Today's Papers.
LiberalOasis for January 20th has a good roundup of what's going on with Gonzales. Check it out. Then send e-mail at moveon
Don't you love how the right is supposed to be all anti-intellectual but then they fall all over themselves when one of their own is a "dr.?" What phonies. Howard Stern had this to say: "She's a doctor? She can feel my balls." Maureen Dowd feels pretty much the same way.
Bush Upsets Some Supporters (
I'm just back from Boston, belly of the so-called liberal elite. I was in the Back Bay, where they have a cleverly designed indoor mall making it pretty much completely unecessary for a convention goer to ever step foot outside (which was good because it was -10 windchill and it snowed 2 inches). On the train home, I started What's the Matter with Kansas; I'm loving it. Great book. More on that soon.
House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Bill Thomas (R-Calif.)
predicted yesterday that partisan warfare over Social Security will quickly
render President Bush's plan "a dead horse" and called on Congress to
undertake a broader review of the problems of an aging nation.
A couple of informative articles from Sunday's liberal elite NY Times Magazine: (the links will only remain free for 5 or so more days).
I'm thinking I'll be hangin' at 30th Street on Wednesday, and maybe Thursday too. Anyone else up for it? Below I've posted an e-mail I got from Phillytransit (which appears to have morphed into Pennsylvania Transit).
Liberal Oasis is claiming that Bush is losing on Social Security because Republicans haven't come out to back him.
Scandalous behavior is rapidly destroying American Christianity. By their
daily activity, most "Christians" regularly commit treason. With their
mouths they claim that Jesus is Lord, but with their actions they
demonstrate allegiance to money, sex, and self-fulfillment.
Every Monday Liberal Oasis gives the Sunday talk show break down. LO says today that Biden and Schumer are now on the fence on Gonzales and that we should e-mail them to give them a push in the right direction.
As Metaphysical Detective says, these people can't act without grassroots support, so send those e-mails! People for the American Way has a good letter to send.Seize this precarious moment. Contact the Dem members of the Judiciary Committee and tell them to vote no of Gonzales.
In order to post to this Blog, members can just click on the e-blogger logo or go to Then, log in and click on the New Post button. Don't be shy, the more the merrier, and let a hundred flowers bloom.
Philadelphia Democratic Party Meetup Group has an event tomorrow.
Let's keep our malcontent rage alive! I was glad to see that metaphysical detective is still among the raging and contributed a few new fresh comments (dead on target as usual). Let's not have our rage dissipated into throw-your-hands-up-in-the-air cynicism and wretched contentment. Hell no people! First we get informed, then we get enraged, then we post/comment to the blog, then we act! For getting informed, check out and also this free Lexis-Nexis news site. There's so many good reasons to be enraged right now. If anyone else knows some good liberal blogs please post them. I wish we could have a little list of web sites on the side of this thing.
From Reuters:
Talking Points has posted the full text of the Wehner Memo. The memo outlines the whitehouse strategy for pushing social security reform. It's an interesting read.
Liberal Elite is right, the battle for Social Security is just beginning. Anyone want to turn it up a notch and send a letter to the editor about Social Security? Let's see who can get one in.
To do: e-mail Specter and Leahy about not confirming torture-happy Attorney General nominee Alberto Gonzales. The Nation provides a convenient way to do this.
Hey fellow Liberal Malcontents!
With the new year, I felt I needed a new alias, so I am now calling myself "the Duke." Let's have a great new year filled with liberal activism and an active blog! The malcontent reading group will soon start reading "What's the Matter with Kansas." Stay tuned for more details. Did anyone get in any juicy political discussions/arguments with family over the holidays? My brother-in-law offered some bait, but I mainly laid low.