Wednesday, April 20, 2005

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force on Ratzinger

The Task Force - Media Center - Press Release: "National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
On the Election of Joseph Ratzinger as Pope

'Today, the princes of the Roman Catholic Church elected as Pope a man whose record has been one of unrelenting, venomous hatred for gay people, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger. In fact, during the reign of John Paul II, Cardinal Ratzinger was the driving force behind a long string of pronouncements using the term 'evil' to describe gay people, homosexuality, and marriage equality. "


At April 20, 2005, Blogger Victor Laszlo said...

I think it's useful for the organization to point out what the new pope's positions are. Condoning is one thing, calling it evil is another. It will be difficult to make strides toward equality in other areas if the leader (who claims a direct infallible pipeline to God by the way) of a group with billions of members calls the cause evil. What's incommensurable and irreconcilable, in my view, is being both a liberal and a catholic. You just can't do it, unless you lie to yourself.

At April 20, 2005, Blogger Victor Laszlo said...

Yeah but don't you think in invoking evil the church goes a bit further than whether or not they are welcome in the church? This is the kind of stuff that leads to hate crimes.
I view homosexuality as an issue of civil rights. Therefore, I see the church's position as morally wrong. Therefore, I can't compromise on this no matter how many catholic charities there are or what other good deeds the church has done. That would be like accepting the argument that John Gotti was a good man because he put on fireworks for his neighbors, or that Mussolini was good because he made the trains run on time, or that Hitler did a lot of good with his social programs and therefore I'll accept that and ignore everything else.


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