Thursday, June 30, 2005

ALA passes Iraq War Resolution

For a group that supposedly has their hair in buns and wears sensible shoes , they've got more balls than most Democrats.

Resolution on the Connection between the Iraq War and Libraries

Whereas, the justifications for the invasion of Iraq have proven to be completely unfounded; and

Whereas, the war already has taken the lives of more than 100,000 Iraqis and more than 1700 U.S. soldiers; and

Whereas, these numbers will continue to mount as long as the U.S. remains in Iraq; and

Whereas, during the current occupation, many of Iraq's cultural treasures, including libraries, archives, manuscripts, and artifacts, have been destroyed, lost, or stolen; and

Whereas, as long as U.S. forces remain in Iraq, the inevitable escalation of fighting threatens further destruction of Iraq's cultural heritage; and

Whereas, the U.S. is spending billions of dollars every month for the occupation; and

Whereas, even a small fraction of these resources would be more than sufficient for rebuilding and greatly enhancing the libraries and educational institutions of both Iraq and the US; therefore, be it

Resolved that the American Library Association calls for the withdrawal from Iraq of all U.S. military forces, and the return of full sovereignty to the people of Iraq.

Resolved that the American Library Association calls upon the United States government to provide material assistance through the United Nations for the reconstruction of Iraq, including its museums, libraries, schools, and other cultural resources.

Resolved that the American Library Association calls upon the United States government to subsequently shift its budgetary priorities from the occupation of Iraq to improve support for vital domestic programs, including U.S. libraries.

Resolved that this resolution be sent to all members of Congress, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of State, the President of the United States, and the press.

Related ALA policies:

18.4 Resolution on Libraries and Cultural Resources in Iraq (June 25, 2003)
53.7 Destruction of Libraries
53.8 Libraries: an American Value

Additional precedent: ALA Resolution on the Southeast Asia Conflict (1971)

Mover: Tom Twiss; Seconder: Mary Sue Brown

Approved by ALA Council, June 29, 2005


At July 01, 2005, Blogger Carmen said...

What I find personally thrilling is that a group of business people from all walks of life have decided to spend a significant amount of time at a professional conference talking about a serious world issue. I continually wonder why other groups associated with corporations do not do the same. So, all you bun-headed, eye-glass chain wearing, Rockport sporting info hawgs keep it up. And let me know if you are aware of any knowledge management people (corporate's version of libarians) in the mix.

At July 01, 2005, Blogger Dumplingeater said...

My question is: How can they have these discussions if they have to "sshhh" everyone when they start speaking?


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