Friday, October 28, 2005


Finally, a video game for Meta. From the Serbian resistance movement.

A FORCE MORE POWERFUL: "AFMP is the first and only game to teach the methods of influencing or changing the political environment using nonviolent methods. Destined for use by activists and leaders of nonviolent resistance and opposition movements, the game will also educate the media and general public on the potential of nonviolent action, and serve as a simulation tool for academic studies of nonviolent resistance."


At October 28, 2005, Blogger Carmen said...

"Awesome", to use a favorite quote from my childhood buddy, Mike Schmid.

I just wrote to them and asked if they can adapt this to other scenarios. While I appreciate and applaud the whole diplomacy thing, that is a small universe of people. I would like to see it as a business tool for collaborative economics, strategy, planning and mutual advantage for emerging markets. I will let you know if they respond to my questions. Where did you find this?


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