Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Is Reid a genius, petty and vindictive, or just nuts?

Never before, said Mr. Frist, "have ever I been slapped in the face with such an affront to the leadership of this grand institution."

The liberal blogosphere is beside itself about Reid's bravado and brilliance in shutting down the Senate. Was he just peeved because Bush didn't consult with him on Alito? (Would you consult with the opposition after they recommended Harriet Miers and btw was that a Macchiavellian move by Reid too?) Or is this indeed brilliant strategy? I am glad Reid is moving the debate from Plame/Libby to the Iraq war in general.


At November 02, 2005, Blogger Carmen said...

C'mon, this is really simple. When you are in the minority, you use every tool at your disposal to be heard. It's like Singapore's concept of force multipliers. How can you tap into something that allows a small number of people to accomplish what a larger number can do easily?

Reid played by the rules and got a bipartisan team together. The issue about bad form is just sour grapes. As I believe you have often demonstrated, it is the response to something that you do that demonstrates how effective it is. The vocal criticism of the right to the closed door session shows this one hurt, especially as it pulled the plame stuff into the larger context of the war.

I see it is a nice little bit of synthesis by Dems that showed, A: that they do have more to offer than simply standing on the sidelines, B: they hear what the public is concerned with and have forced it to be addressed, and C: Reid looks smokin' hot when they turn down the lights in the senate for those closed door meetings. Yeowee, he's like Clint Eastwood on the hill.


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