Saturday, May 13, 2006

Also from the Chinese Chapter of Lib Mals

A good article, with an even better article linked internally. Both pretty well demolish the Demapolgist approach we sometimes see creeping onto the posts at Lib Mals.

(please note: yes, that statement was a bit over the top and inflamatory, but what else is new? And further, Meta will be very disappointed if he gets back in two years to find this site just floating aimlessly, commentless in cyberspace. So, anyone going to defend Nancy Pelosi after reading the article?)


At May 15, 2006, Blogger Ed Keer said...

There has got to be some simple way to explain that taxes are no inherently evil. A Canadian once told me he didn't mind taxes, they were the "price you pay for living in the best country in the world." I tried that one out on some coworkers the other day. I got mostly blank stares.

At May 16, 2006, Blogger Dumplingeater said...

What do you think would happen if you pursued the logic of the Canadian's statement with your coworkers?

Isn't it possible that if you can get past the cynicism imbedded in the gutless approach of the Dems (a cynicism that prevents folks like Pelosi from really coming out with the kind of pro-tax platform that the article advocates), a forceful stance would expose the fragility of the "typical tax and spend Democrats" basis of the Bush/Rove campaign tactic?

Is there really no alternative to Vic's preferred approach - to smear play the politics as usual game?


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