Changing the Grand Ole Party into the Grand Rove Party
Just in case you thought we were winning on social security, it's all part of Rove's plan to push through other R legislation and cast the dems as a reactionary party.
“Without Social Security,” Grover Norquist, a Rove confidant and head of Americans for Tax Reform, told me, “this other stuff would’ve been the front line of battle. Instead, Democrats are holding us up on Social Security, while we get everything else we want done.”
Like Moore, Norquist concedes that Social Security reform (at least any version featuring private accounts) is unlikely to be passed this year. But this, he contends, would hardly be catastrophic for Republicans—and he has a point. “On Social Security, we’re playing on our field,” Norquist says. “What would a Democratic win be? The status quo! Not exactly exciting for the party of progressivism.”
Changing the Grand Ole Party into the Grand Rove Party